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Modern Electronic Data Capture with Sleek and User-Friendly Interface

Ability to Handle Complex Protocols & Remote Trials

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Benefits of ClinCapture EDC

Unlike other electronic data capture solutions, ClinCapture is modern, customizable, and allows the enhanced performance of a private cloud. Whether building a new study or making mid-study changes, our system provides the features and benefits you need:



Use programming code or drag and drop to build your forms.


Precise Design

Drag and drop interface makes form design simple and shows them. exactly as they’re created.



Supports both partial and targeted source data verification.


Form Versioning

Study edits are easy to create and manage. A new CRF version can be assigned to specific sites or made available automatically to all sites.

Software Built to Manage Study Data

Study Building Services

We offer ClinCapture clients study building services for any budget.


It’s in Your Hands

Build your own studies using our Drag-and-Drop or XML builder.


We’ll Lend a Hand

Our experts can help you get started building your studies.


We’ll Handle It

We offer affordable study building services for your team.